Matt and Amber in NYC :)

Matt and Amber

This is Matt’s website!

This is Matt’s website in italics.

If you are reading this, that means that civilization probably hasn’t collapsed. If it has collapsed and you’re reading this, phew, good luck out there.

At the time of writing, I am a 30 year old Software Developer living in Asheville, North Carlina in the USA.

This is my personal website that I want to use to host the stuff that I enjoy or have created so that I can make sure I get it out in the world. Of course, I can and do that with twitter but this is my site. I have always thought having your own space on the internet is important and so that’s what I am here for.

In my spare time, I like to play games, chess is usually a go-to. It’s just easy to pick up and put down with short games but can also be super competitive, which is what really draws me to it. Additionally, I play other games like Crusader Kings, when solo, or Stardew Valley and Mario Kart with Amber.

I am also an avid hockey fan, relatively F1-drama obsessed and a fan of a relatively not great but dear to my heart 4th division football club in London. Then, when the weather is good, I love going cycling.

What am I listening to?